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List of applicable fields in Ideas


Idea Name is the shortened name of the idea, as it will appear in the Idea List and other parts of the application. Please give a name people will easily understand.


Ideas can have one of the following statuses:

  1. New – idea is newly added
  2. Accepted – the idea is accepted for further working with it
  3. In progress – the idea is currently being fulfilled
  4. Completed – the work with the idea is done
  5. Rejected – the idea was rejected
  6. Stand – by – the idea is good but the work with it will be in the future


Priority sets the perceived subjective priority of the given idea. Can be used to sort and filter ideas in the Idea List.


A repeatable idea is the type of idea which can be used multiple times.

An unrepeatable idea is the type of idea, which is useful only one time, for a specific use.


A longer description of the idea, with the possibility to add further context to why the idea exists.



The result of your hypothesis can be:

  1. Not applicable – if there is nothing in your statement.
  2. Proven – if your stated hypothesis was proven.
  3. Unproven – if your stated hypothesis was not proven.


The statement is for your hypothesis, what you expect to happen if you use the idea, what is the expected result of it. It helps you to see what kind of ideas was good to use or how you can change them in the future. It gives you an overview.

Tags and Connected Ideas

Tags can be created only in Ideas, and it can help you with searching for a specific idea through filters.

Connected Ideas are ideas that people have generated, that can potentially help you fulfill this specific idea or is related to this idea. When you connect an Idea, this idea will appear on it as a Connected Idea.

Connected Goals

These are goals that people have generated, and ideas can potentially help to fulfill this connected goal. When you connect an Idea, this idea will appear on it as a Connected Idea.

Connected Campaigns

These are campaigns that the idea can potentially help to fulfill. When you connect a campaign, this idea will appear on it as a Connected Idea.


Documents can be added to each idea in the list of Ideas. More about connecting documents to ideas here.


Assignees are the individual users of your Oppido account, that are personally responsible for fulfilling this idea. An idea can have one or more assignees.